Tuesday, March 22, 2011

2011.03.10 Beaver Creek-Ski Trip

Al, Mindy, Sophie, Amanda, and I missed the rest of the family during our annual Colorado ski trip. In fact, we also missed Al for most of it as he had to fly home early in the week. We did enjoy the company of our extended ski family, the Mihalys, and our cousins Michelle, Brent, and Jasper. We were less enthralled with the company of thousands of spring breakers in the lift lines, but, all told, it was fine. The slopes are massive and can absorb a lot of skiers. Our little ones, ages 4 and 6, loved ski school and did well.
Enjoying a sunny day, 9 inches of new snow, and a great view from the lift

Sophie graduated from Mogul Mouse to Level 2 Superstar in her first week of ski school.

Sharpshooter takes such cute ski school pictures that parents just have to buy them. Here's Sophie.

And here's Amanda, looking very "six" with her front teeth missing.

Sophie had a pizza and pool party with Amanda and Cousin Jasper on her birthday.

Ahhh. A good soak in the hot tub after a swim feels so good!

How about Mindy's new ski jacket??

Look closely. People have been adding Mardi Gras beads, bras, and panties to this tree next to the Rose Bowl lift for years. The lift is scheduled for replacement in the summer of 2011. Will the tree remain? Remains to be seen.

Penny had too many baby quilts to make when Sophie was born, so she got a Big Girl quilt for her fourth birthday. She loves it!
Amanda was crazy about working at the desk in her big activity book.