Monday, July 4, 2011

2011.07.04 Independence Weekend

July 4 was a Monday this year. Al brought Amanda and Sophia, 4 and 6, to Ripon. They were here a day and a half on Saturday and Sunday. On Monday we had the perfect day for our 4th of July picnic with friends. Are you wondering if we can pack a lot into a weekend? Just watch!

Al and the girls arrived mid-day on Saturday. Our first stop was lunch at Fat Bruce's and then it was off to the Prellwitz farm to pick strawberries. The wagon ride to the field was as much fun as the picking and eating.

Finding berries was a team effort.

Amanda had big plans for her berries, which involved making strawberry lemonade, selling it, and making her fortune. She did not let us forget it, and the next evening she was open for business. The Woolley and Neill families drank lots of lemonade, Grandpa ran out of quarters, and Amanda increased her wealth.

The best books can often be found in the checkout line.

Finally reaching the grandparents' house, the girls headed immediately for the old-fashioned Fisher-Price toys they love.

Grandpa knew that next to Fisher-Price people, the girls are huge fans of Grandma's duck collection. He was ready for them. Does anyone care that this water is freezing? Apparently not.

Home-made ice cream is just the thing to go with fresh strawberries.

Does anybody know what these yellow flowers are? I think it's too early for goldenrod, but our meadow is just full of whatever this is.
Well, this is wild parsnip, which is an invasive alien plant that can quickly take over. It's already shown it can do that, but get this. From the Wisconsin DNR website:

Wild parsnip can cause phytophotodermatitis to the skin. If the plant juices come in contact with skin in the presence of sunlight, a rash and/or blistering can occur, as well as skin discoloration that may last several months.

Amanda and Sophie have been instructed to pick only flowers they have permission to pick, and we stuck to clover and daisies with which we made necklaces. As far as I know, they didn't touch the wild parsnip even though it was all around.

We ate well!

Al and Bill got some culinary assistance from Bill and Josh Neill.

Love that porch for mosquito-free visiting and dining.

Kathy's a kid magnet.

 Check out that new tooth.

When Amanda's Daddy was a little boy, he, too, liked to sit on the Neill's antique tractor seat.

 I got this nice smile from Sophie...

 ...but I couldn't resist including one of her goofy faces.

Al and the girls had to leave early on Monday morning, so they weren't around for the picnic at Neills, where we finished off a weekend of enjoying family and friends and being thankful for our many blessings.