Thursday, November 8, 2012


Upon returning from Spain with our Geneva family, we spent a lovely, relaxing couple of weeks at their home. Well, actually, we relaxed and they went back to their busy lives of work and school.

It's a beautiful area and we so enjoyed being part of the family routine and participating in our granddaughters' activities.


How about this for iPod with a good audiobook, trees in autumn color, crisp fall temperatures, and scenery like this?

French Alps beyond Lake Geneva 
A Farm near Crans with Dark Clouds over the Jura Mountains 
Village of Crans-pres-Celigny and Snow in the Jura Mountains  
Crans Harbor on Lake Geneva and French Alps 
Another View across the Lake toward France
I walk uphill to reach the village of Crans-pres-Celigny
Crans Community Center

The local streets and yards are lined with high well-trimmed hedges.
A Picnic Spot Near the House
View from Upstairs Bedroom Window with Mt. Blanc in the Distnace
We enjoyed spending our days with our newest grandcats, Minuit and Cappuccino. They are litter mates, if you can believe that!
Halloween Night Trick or Treating
Kate and Maria teamed up to create 60 items for Kate's class bake sale. Each class gets to have a bake sale on a Friday recess once a year. The children can buy a treat for two Swiss francs. Half the profits go to the class and the other half to Aarohan, the school charity in India, 
Kate's class made pumpkin headgear to wear while selling their treats at recess.
Kate's class bake sale happened to be on the same day as the big evening family Halloween party at school, also a fund-raiser for Aarohan. Bill and I sold tea, coffee, and hot chocolate. Pizza and hot wine were also available, so that took care of dinner. Maria staffed a classroom for Trick-or-Treat. All the kids got glow sticks as well as candy. It took a while to round up the families to go home, but all agreed it was a great Halloween.

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