Monday, June 6, 2011

2011.6.01 A Visit from Long-time Friends

While we have kept in touch at least once a year at Christmas for many years, my correspondence with Donna Corbett and Connie Paddock has increased considerably with the advent of email. We came to realize recently that it was time for one of our periodic face-to-face visits, so they came to Ripon last week.

Corbetts and Paddocks arrived in Ripon in 1969, the same year we did. Jack Corbett taught R.O.T.C. and Bob Paddock taught Physics. Our children were all good friends as pre-schoolers. Both families moved on to other jobs and adventures about five years later, but we visited each other periodically as our children grew up. While they were here we rounded up some other friends from those days: Sue Loomer, Bill and Judy Neill, and Louise Schang. We also visited the Ripon College Campus, the Ripon Historical Society, and Blue Heron Landing in the Horicon Marsh.

Louise Schang, Donna Corbett, Jean Woolley

Blue Heron Landing, Horicon, Wisconsin
We took the boat tour into the Horicon Marsh.

Bob and Connie Paddock, Donna, Jean, and Bill

Blue Heron


Painted Turtles

American White Pelican
We saw a large flock of these high in the sky. 
Our guide said they have a wing span of 8-10 feet.

Bill, Bill and Judy Neill, Donna, Connie and Bob, Jean

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