Sunday, April 6, 2008

2008 February Events

Cary fell in their newly-surfaced driveway in Hawaii on January 30, hurt her shoulder again, and broke her hip. She had surgery on the hip in Honolulu on the 31st. I wish we weren't so far away.

Bill and I went to Chicago on February 15 to celebrate birthdays with Allen at Think and Amanda at a tumbling party at their gym. Bill returned to Ripon on Monday with their Highlander, leaving our larger Odyssey for Mindy and me to drive to Beaver Creek the next Friday. Monday Mindy got the flu and was down with a fever for the week.

I met Henry at O’Hare on Thursday. Pamela flew on to Denver and stayed with Cousins Michelle and Brent until Saturday. She had a round trip plane ticket that would connect her with a business meeting directly after the ski trip, but we arranged for Henry to drive to Colorado with Mindy and me and then stay with us in Ripon for a week after the ski trip. We would then drop him off in Brussels on the way to Dubai.

Friday morning Allen packed up Mindy’s ski gear and some of the kids’ stuff. Mindy finished packing after she got up, still not feeling well. We left Friday at 2:15PM. I thought it was amazing that Mindy made it at all. All three kids were great on the trip to Colorado.

Henry went to ski school for six days and was at the top of the mountain for the last two. Mindy and I didn’t ski for the first two days, but we enrolled Amanda and Sophie in Small World day care for the last four days so that we could both ski. The weather was perfect on those days. Allen joined us on Friday. Bill, Judy, and Rob were in Park Plaza with us. Penny, Mike, Matt, Eileen, and Don and Nancy Corts were at Mihalys.

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