Sunday, April 6, 2008

2008 January Events

Mindy declined a tempting job offer from a new firm and accepted more responsibility at Much Schelist. Allen accepted an offer from Wildman, Harrold, Allen, and Dixon and started there January 28.

After having a lot of snow and a White Christmas in December, we got a warmer weather and rain in early January, followed by freezing temperatures and a wet snow on January 11. Then the sub-zero temperatures returned, and for the rest of the month we had a lot more snow and very cold weather. I took advantage of being inside to dig into the family archives, inspired by the new scanner I got for Christmas from Bill.

The City Council approved a December bow hunt within the city limits to reduce the deer herd. One died on our property while our grandchildren were here to see all the blood in the snow (but fortunately not the body). We haven’t seen one since, though there are a few hoof prints in the snow. The January 10 paper reported that "Team Ripon" bagged 1 buck, 12 mature does, and 12 yearlings.

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